Difference Between Power Inverter and Frequency Inverter
Difference Between Power Inverter and Frequency Inverter

A power inverter is a device that converts DC into alternating current, while a frequency converter is a component used to change the frequency of the alternating current.

The power inverter can convert DC power (baterija, baterija) into AC power (220V, 50 Hz sine wave), and the frequency can also be adjusted. The frequency converter can convert the input alternating current into the alternating current output of the required frequency. The working principle includes AC-DC-AC or AC-AC. A common rule is AC-DC-AC, based on which AC is first converted to DC and then DC is converted to AC. This is also the process of rectification and inversion.

The frequency converter includes a frequency adjustment part. kako god, the inverter only has a fixed output frequency.

The above is the difference between the "invertersko napajanje" power inverter and the inverter, and the relevant content of the process of rectification and inversion. Hvala što ste pregledali, you can bookmark the official website of Shenzhen BWITT Power Co., doo.

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