Modularni regalni rektni rektorni sistem 110VDC 220VAC Prebacivanje napajanja
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Ugrađeni istosmjerni elektroenergetski sistem široko je raspoređen u telekom / industrijskom okruženju, a new generation “Green & Energy Saving” system

  • AC220/DC110-20AS
  • AC220/DC110-40AS
  • AC220/DC110-60AS
  • AC220/DC110-80AS
  • AC220/DC110-100AS
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Modularni regalni rektni rektorni sistem 110VDC 220VAC Prebacivanje napajanja

RCT-2000 modular rectifier system is widely deployed in the telecom/industrial field. It provide telecom power technology to modulate voltage for DC load and maintain back-up batteries.It treble hot swap rectifier modules build a N+1 redundancy, have high fault tolerant reliablity for important load. To adaptable in different external power system, the powerful monitor have 45 alarm option, support RS485/ SNMP remote operation.




  • Wide operating range of AC input voltage: 90~290Vac;
  • ucurrent/voltage switching tech with high efficiency ≥92%;
  • uPerfect battery management, battery temperature;
  • uMultiple communication ports, easy for networking and remote
  • ModbusRS485/TCP/IP/YDN23 (YD/T 1363) protocol;
  • uTemperature compensation, LVLD and LVBD protection;
  • uAutomatic battery test function, cycle test, quick test;
  • uSupports power system &module sleep, efficiency mixing, energy saving;
  • uSupport real-time detection of the operating status of the power system;
  • uSupport alarm real-time detection and reporting;
  • uHot-swap able;
  • uInput over/under voltage protection;
  • uOutput over voltage protection;
  • uOutput over current protection;
  • uOutput short circuit protection;
  • uAuto current sharing, parallel operation;

Pošaljite nam svoju poruku:
switching power supply
switching power supply
switching power supply
switching power supply
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  • Kristin 10:12 Ujutro, Danas
    Drago mi je što sam primio vašu poruku, A ovo je Kristinov odgovor na vas